1884 -1899 | 1900 - 1919 | 1920 - 1939 | 1940 - 1959 | 1960 - 1979 | 1980 - 1999 | 2000 - 2019 | 2020 - 2039
Only a few magazines are available from the 1940s. All the covers from this period, which also show the vicar's name and the services, were the same. The "Parochial Notes" at the top of the first page of each magazine show details of the churchwardens, the organist, the Parochial Church Officer, various groups, clubs and so on. All the new Spire covers from 1952 to 1959 were the same design with some pink and some yellow. The first issue available from each year below is complete with both its cover and its information page, the latter being a new feature of the magazine. N/A means that a magazine is not available, perhaps not printed.